Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a symbol at the center of most cultures and religious traditions; for example, the Bodhi tree in Buddhism and the transformative cross in Christianity. The Kaballah Tree of Life in the Jewish tradition, for example, helps us understand how spirit manifests in form. The Kaballah involves energy centers or portals called sephirah that open us to different qualities of the Divine.  The sephirah are multi faceted and are historically linked to many powerful symbols, including archangels, particular colours, tarot cards, sounds, points on the body and to the stars. The Kaballah is a complete symbol of wholeness. Wendy Pope and I studied the Hermetic tradition Qabala Tree of Life together and decided to create an art show and performance to celebrate both the internal and metaphoric tree and the physical tree in our world, upon which we depend for life, in our breath exchange.

Here is the news announcement from our Tree of Life art display and performance. The United Church on Denman Island opened up for the first time to this type of artistic offering! Door donations were given to the church.

Please join us to celebrate the Tree and all that it gives.
-art and performance relating to the tree
in our world and the Tree of Life
-performance introducing the Qabala Tree of Life
-tree meditation led by Hari Amrit and Devmurti
artists include: Hari Amrit, Nichola Clark, Kerri Davis, Michael Dennis, Devmurti, Randy Duncan (recorded music), Mica Gries, Shannon Ford and Dennis Peltier, Jennifer Lee, Maxine Matilpi, Cynthia MInden, Laurie Montemurro, Laura Pope, Brigit Salas, Bev Severn, Cathy Stoyko,
Nicole Tritter, United Church Choir, Janine Walton
art, performance and meditation -Fri. and Sat. June 23/24, 2017

at 7:30 – tickets $15 at Abraxas/ DI General Store *seating is limited
art installation viewing only -Sat. June 24th from 10-3 by donation
Denman United Church
4575 Denman Road (for further information: 250 897 8350)